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Flow Review September 2024: Unusual Shorting Flow and how to Spot PUT Writing with $CRWD

Flow Reviews

In this review, we’re going to cover unusual shorting activity on options contracts. First, we’ll cover a months-ago put writer who held through a shocking amount of drawdown. The exit on this trade also serves as a good example of “Bid-side flow doesn’t ALWAYS mean “Sold” contracts”.

To start us off here, we’ll be looking at a put writer on Crowdstrike Holdings Inc. $CRWD.

Back in July 2024, our team noted unusual options activity on $CRWD that came in on the $240 put strike expiring on September 20th, 2024.

Right at market open 8:30am Central Time, 3,700 contracts of $240P 9/20/2024 hit the tape, entirely at the BID for an average price of $6.72 per contract, totaling a credit of $2,430,875 received. At the time of fill, the $CRWD stock price transacted at $294.50 per share; this is a crucial piece of information to understand just how dramatic the drawdown this trader sat through was.

Throughout the rest of the morning session on 7/19, it seemed the trader was already reaping some benefits as the $CRWD stock price rose, bringing the value of these $240P contracts to a low of $4.70. However, as the day went on, the $CRWD stock price took a turn to the downside, and the value of these contracts rose to a high of $8.00 on the day. The trader’s situation only got worse from there.

From the point of the trader’s entry at $294.50, 18.5% out of the money for the $240P, the Crowdstrike stock price tumbled dramatically over the next month. Over the next few days, $CRWD hit lower lows day after day, coming to its local bottom at a low of $210.50 per share. The contracts quickly gained value during this time, rising in value to a peak of $43.70 per contract; a 550% rise from the point of entry at $6.72


To put that into perspective, our trader sold these contracts for a total credit of a bit over $2.4 million. At that peak in value, his 3,700 contracts had a value of $16,169,000. You read that correctly; sixteen million dollars

This means that if the trader closed their position, they’d have done so at a loss of nearly $14 million. If the trader had been assigned, they would have had to purchase 370,000 shares of $CRWD at a price of $240 per share, while $CRWD was trading at just $210. The trader still didn’t close their position.

Now, let’s see how our $CRWD trader fared.

From the low of $210.50, $CRWD reversed to the upside. Within a week, $CRWD was back trading above $240 per share, and within two weeks, above $280 per share. While the price still traded significantly lower than this trader’s entry price, the Greek Theta (the depreciation of a contract’s value each day as it approaches expiration. Remember, with Theta, the closer to expiration, the higher Theta’s effect) did its job. 

As the contracts neared expiration, and lost their in-the-money status, time’s effect on their value started to take its toll. 

With each passing day while $CRWD traded in a range between $242 and $286 per share, the contracts lost value little by little, and by August 19th into the 20th, this trader was finally profitable on this position again. On 8/22, the contracts hit a low of $4.88. 

As we broke into the month of September, the trader maintained their position without selling. Finally, on September 19th, the Unusual Whales team noticed a transaction of over 3,000 contracts with a total volume over 3,700 on the day.

The sizing is almost identical to the original entry we noted back in July; so while this transaction occurred at the bid, the bid-ask spread was quite tight on a low valued contract, so given the sizing, the timing before expiration, and the scary drawdown of over $14 million, it’s safe enough to assume this is that same trader exiting their position. 

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