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Marianne Williamson says the top 1% of Americans accumulated $50 trillion in wealth transfer from the bottom 90% over the last 48 years

Marianne Williamson on Twitter

US Presidential candidate Marianne Williamson recently went on Twitter about wealth transfer. In her tweet, she noted how the top 1% of Americans accumulated wealth over the last 48 years.

Williamson talked about how over the past 48 years, the top 1% took $50 trillion of wealth from the bottom 50%. She also specified the reason why this happened, blaming two powers.

Williamson: "A corrupt alliance of corporate and government power has hijacked our government, destroyed our middle class, eroded our democracy and is robbing us of a livable future."

The US Presidential candidate then noted that instead of improving the system, it was necessary to "repudiate it." She then shared a tweet from Louis Brandeis, talking about how this wasn't democracy.

Brandeis: “You can have large amounts of money concentrated in the hands of a very few, or you can have democracy. You cannot have both.”

After that, Marianne Williamson then shared what should be done. The US Presidential candidate said the ballot box needs to experience a "revolution."

Williamson: "We need to cut the cord that ties us to an aberrational era of American history."

In 2022 alone, it was also reported that US households lost a total of around $7 trillion in net worth. In the third quarter alone, their losses totaled $400 billion.

This came as household wealth dropped from $150.1 trillion by the end of 2021 to $143.3 billion by the end of September.

In September of last year, it was also noted that stock market losses wiped out $9 trillion from America's wealth. This came as holdings of corporate equities and mutual fund shares dropped to $33 trillion by the end of Q2, down from $42 trillion at the start of the year.

During that time, experts said that the losses from financial markets could drop to around $9.5 trillion to $10 trillion.

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