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Biden announces re-election bid at the age of 80


At the age of 80, current US President Joe Biden has announced his official re-election bid, saying he wants to fight for freedom and rights. Biden is already the oldest inaugurated president, who took the position when he was 78 in January 2021.

In a video that opened with protests at the US Supreme Court, Biden announced that he was running for president, citing freedom and rights as his main focus. The US President said it wasn't the time to be complacent, which is why he's running.

Biden: “The question we are facing is whether in the years ahead we have more freedom or less freedom. More rights or fewer... I know what I want the answer to be and I think you do too. This is not a time to be complacent. That’s why I’m running for reelection.”

The US President said that when he initially ran for the position, America was in a "battle for the soul of America," saying that the battle is not over and that "we still are" in the same situation.

With Biden officially running for re-election, he would also be going against Trump, who announced that he would also run for Presidency.

In February, the White House physician Kevin O'Connor said that the US President was fit for duty, assuring that he was healthy and was "fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency." The last time the US President had a physical was in November 2021.

At the start of the year, Biden also said that he wouldn't "let Republicans wreck the economy," mentioning things like their 30% sales tax and how they were planning on cutting Social Security and Medicare

Biden: “We’re in a situation where we promised folks on Medicare their insulin was going to go from about 400 bucks a month to 35 bucks a month, but it was a promise. Well, guess what, as of Jan. 1, it’s a reality.”

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